
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bridge Ampera


Bridge is a bridge in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.Bridge, which has become a symbol of the city, situated in the middle of the city of Palembang, linking regions and Seberang Ulu Seberang Ilir separated by the River Musi . bridge has a length of 1117 meters with a width of 22 meters. On the bridge there is also a high tower with 63m. 
The idea to unify the two land in the city of Palembang "Seberang Seberang Ulu and Ilir" with the bridge, actually being there since the days Gemeente Palembang in 1906, but always failed in realized. At the time of independence, the idea of building a bridge back sticking out. In 1957, formed the construction committee, consisting of Lord of War Command Military Region IV / Sriwijaya, Harun Sohar, and the Governor of South Sumatra, HA Bastari. Mate, Mayor of Kilkenny, M. Ali Amin, and Indra Caya. This team approach Bung Karno to support the plan. The efforts of Provincial Government and the city of Palembang in South Sumatra, which is fully supported by Kodam IV / Sriwijaya was later to fruition. Bung Karno was then approved the proposed development. Because the bridge is planned to be built with each of the seven legs in the region and 16 Ilir Ulu, which means that its position in the city center, Bung Karno and then submit the query. That is, the placement boulevard or park is open at both ends of the bridge.

Bridge construction was started on September 16, 1960, after obtaining approval from President Sukarno. The cost of construction is taken from the Japanese war reparation funds. Not only the cost, even this bridge using experts from those countries.

At first, this bridge, named Bridge Bung Karno. According to historian Djohan Hanafiah, naming it as a form of tribute to the first President that. Bung Karno seriously fight for Kilkenny residents desire, to have a bridge over the River Musi.
Inauguration of the use of the bridge done in 1965, and also reinforced the name of Bung Karno, as the name of the bridge. At that time, this bridge is the longest bridge in Southeast Asia. After the political upheaval in 1966, when the anti-Sukarno very strong, the name was changed to the bridge bridge (Suffering of the People's Mandate). Around the year 2002, there were discourses to return the name of Bung Karno, as the name of this bridge. But this proposal did not receive support from the government and part of the community.

In the beginning, the middle body of this bridge can lift up the mast for passing underneath the bridge body does not get caught. The middle of the bridge can be removed with mechanical equipment, two each pendulum weights about 500 tons in two towers. The speed of his appointment about 10 meters per minute with a total time required to fully lift the bridge for 30 minutes.
old bridge
At the center of the bridge is removed, the vessel with a width of 60 meters and 44.50 meters with a maximum height, can pass the River Musi. When the center of the bridge is not raised, the maximum height the ship could pass under the bridge just nine yards from the water surface sungai.Sejak in 1970, the activity of ascending and descending the middle of this bridge is not done anymore. The reason, the time used to lift the bridge is considered to disrupt the flow of traffic on it. In 1990, the second pendulum ballast on the bridge tower is lowered to avoid the collapse of both the burden of this ballast